A Rallying Cry for Open Data and Open Source Technology in US Elections

Transparent. Accessible. User friendly. Many of the key principles that serve as the foundation for inclusive elections resonate … Continue Reading

Alice, Abstract Ideas, and Software-Related Patents

Those “who sweat in the clammy gymnasia of patent law” were impatiently waiting for the Alice decision. They … Continue Reading

The Consequences of Violating Open Source Licenses

By: Jaideep Reddy “These days a developer will do a Google search, find five open-source products that fit … Continue Reading

Back Under the Bridge: Judge Rules Against Prolific Patent Troll

In eDekka LLC v. 3Balls.com Inc., Eastern District of Texas Judge Rodney Gilstrap ruled against plaintiff eDekka’s patent … Continue Reading

Oracle v. Google – or How a File Cabinet beat Harry Potter

The Oracle v. Google case, currently on appeal before the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, will … Continue Reading

Will the New USPTO Administrative Proceedings Solve the Software Patent Problem?

Amidst current discussions on the “problem” posed by software patents, David Kappos, Director of the United States Patent and … Continue Reading