Centillion Data Systems, LLC v. Qwest Communications International: New Aspects to Divided Infringement

In Centillion Data Systems, LLC v. Qwest Communications International (PDF), the Federal Circuit limited its doctrine that for … Continue Reading

Uniloc v. Microsoft: Reducing the Potential to Recover Reasonable Royalty Rate Damages

In the recent Uniloc v. Microsoft (PDF), the Federal Circuit made two significant changes to the standards by … Continue Reading

Tokai v. Easton: Deference to the PTO and Hindsight Bias in Obviousness Analysis

The recent Tokai v. Easton opinion (PDF) raises a timely standard of review issue that the Supreme Court … Continue Reading

iLOR v. Google: A Two-Part Test for Identifying Vexatious or Unjustified Litigation

Summary Collectively,  Brooks Furniture and iLOR v. Google (PDF) establish the standards a defendant must meet for an … Continue Reading

Winter 2010 News Briefs

This month, our team members have been consumed with outlines, papers, and finals, and now the holidays are … Continue Reading

Finjan v. Secure Computing: Direct Infringement of Apparatus Claims by Software That Requires User Unlocking or Activation

In the recent Finjan v. Secure Computing decision, the Federal Circuit affirmed that software that is sold in … Continue Reading