Patent Privateering: VirnetX v. Apple

On February 3, 2016 a federal jury returned a verdict finding Apple guilty for willfully infringing four VirnetX … Continue Reading

Green Patents and Technological Innovation

“Go green” is a common expression to refer to the use of eco-friendly products. The basic idea of … Continue Reading

US v. EU: Pay-for-delay Settlements

Reverse payment settlements exist at the intersection among antitrust, patent and healthcare laws. Also known as pay-for-delay agreements, these … Continue Reading

Back Under the Bridge: Judge Rules Against Prolific Patent Troll

In eDekka LLC v. Inc., Eastern District of Texas Judge Rodney Gilstrap ruled against plaintiff eDekka’s patent … Continue Reading

New Rules applying to IP Licenses in Europe starting May 1, 2014

by Alvaro Garcia-Delgado (LL.M. 2013)   On March 21, 2014 the European Commission, pan-European enforcer of antitrust rules, … Continue Reading

A Futile Effort? Efforts to Clarify the Entire Market Value Rule

Company A owns a patent that tells the difference between CDs and DVDs. Company B infringes on A’s … Continue Reading