The Copyright Alert System After Its Roll-Out: First (Non)Reactions

The Copyright Alert System (CAS) was rolled out in late February 2013. CAS constitutes the United States realization … Continue Reading

Network Copyright Wars: "The Hopper," Ad-Skipping DVR, In and Out of Court

The embittered battle between Dish Network and American Broadcasting Companies has given a public face to the struggle … Continue Reading

The Purpose of Copyright? Examining the Retracted Republican Study Committee Brief

Last Fall, Derek Khanna, then an intern at the Republican Study Committee (RSC) released a policy brief concerning … Continue Reading

Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley and Sons: Jet Lag and the First Sale Doctrine

The Supreme Court recently handed down its decision in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, a copyright exhaustion … Continue Reading

Can the FCC Comply With the President’s Call for Legalization of Cell Phone Unlocking?

On March 4, 2013, the White House officially responded to an online petition calling for the legalization of … Continue Reading

Statutory Damage Awards in High Profile Song-Sharing Cases

The individual defendants in two high profile peer to peer song sharing cases, Capitol v. Thomas-Rasset and Sony v. … Continue Reading