Could Your Technology Be Incriminating You?

Earlier this week, we wrote about how the government can lawfully compel a person to unlock their smart … Continue Reading

The Right of Publicity: Likeness Lawsuits Against Video Game Companies

What do actress Lindsay Lohan, former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, and U.S. World War II General George S. … Continue Reading

Federal “Catfishing”: When Government Impersonation through Social Media Gets Caught

You rush into work one morning, coffee and briefcase in hand, barely making it into the cramped elevator … Continue Reading

The Smartphone versus the Fifth Amendment

For many smartphone users, passwords and passcodes have become a thing of the past. Since late 2013, Apple … Continue Reading

The Purpose of Copyright? Examining the Retracted Republican Study Committee Brief

Last Fall, Derek Khanna, then an intern at the Republican Study Committee (RSC) released a policy brief concerning … Continue Reading

District Court Finds Qui Tam Provision in Patent False Marking Law Unconstitutional: Unique Product Solutions v. Hy-Grade Valve

35 U.S.C. § 292 is known as the Patent False Marking Statute and contains two subsections.  Subsection (a) says … Continue Reading